Have You Ever Allowed Yourself to Be Vulnerable?

With my family, sometimes, but not often.

With someone outside my own family, once.

Vulnerability is hard! Perhaps because we were raised to always be strong, and tough, and even when defeated, to wear the semblance of strength like a mask, and only break down in our closet.

So, to many of us, being vulnerable means being weak and exposed, opening the possibility of being taken advantage of. But being vulnerable is a sign of strength and bravery. It’s about allowing another to see us, to see the entire package that is us, and that includes all the curves and rough edges.

Vulnerability is a sure sign of complete trust in another. It is saying “Here I am” and if that trust is placed on someone deserving, it’s also responding “I see you. You are safe here. Here I am too”

It can be terrifying, that’s for sure, but it is worth it, and in my experience, it is the only way a strong and deep connection can be made.

Have you ever allowed yourself to be vulnerable?

Please do share.

*Originally published 20 November 2020