We are Back...Kinda

Hey guys,

Happy new year y’all.

The last time I wrote to you was to tell you that I was taking a break, and I did. But what was supposed to be a short break took longer than I expected.

I lost my blog.

They said the host server was hacked, so down came all the websites, including mine. Unfortunately, I didn’t back up, because well, I had no idea it’s a thing. Fortunately though, we have been able to get the blog back, but everything published for the past year was not recovered.

So, basically, I am back, but not quite on track yet.

For now, I will be re-publishing everything I can from the past year, as fast as I can, so we can get back on track, and complete the stories yet unfinished.

Please bear with me, as always. Subscribe again. And wish me well.