Yam Leg!

Yam Leg!!!

I can’t honestly count how many times I was called that growing up, by people who loved me and were just teasing, and by the idiots whose sole life purpose is to lurk around the streets and make catcalls.

I didn’t like the name and certainly didn’t like my legs. Why couldn’t it just be thin and straight? Why do I have to be stuck with a mini pestle?

But that was a long time ago. I grew into them and then began to see them differently. You see, what I didn’t know was that there was nothing too big about my legs, my whole body simply had not grown up enough to match them. And then I started getting compliments about how beautiful they were, how lovely they look in heels, and then my shocked expression birthed more “you didn’t know? I always liked your legs.”

One question though, “how come y’all didn’t tell me?” The voices of those who teased and mocked were louder than those who always appreciated them even before I saw them as beautiful.

Yes, many of us were nothing close to Cinderella and Prince charming growing up, maybe even just a bit better looking than the ugly ducklings, but look at us now, we grew into those pestle-sized legs and those rabbit ears.

So, give yourself time to grow folks, you might just like what you become.

But in the meantime, share with me what you once hated about your body but now love.